Deliciously WET 

Make the life-changing decision to have a forever love-affair with your Pussy, Pleasure, and Sex…

Join the Pleasure Revolution

Are you ready to transform your relationship with your body and sexuality?


Imagine by the time your hair is a luscious cascade of silver, your breasts sit happily closer to your hips than your head, and the deep lines of life are etched into your well-lived-in skin, that you’re still opening yourself wide to life, love, and wild levels of sexual amazement.

Imagine what would happen if you'd spent your life following your desires over your fears and had broken free from “should haves,” “wish I’ds,” and unmet dreams,

So now, you feel more turned on and sexually satisfied than ever before in your life.

It's time to plant seeds for the sexual vitality you want (for the rest of your life) NOW…

I want in

So whether you’re 18 or 68

know that deciding NOW to focus on releasing centuries of sexual shame and pelvic-based patterns of survival, healing disconnection, embodying your erotic truth and turn-on, and transforming the way you relate, have sex, and feel in your own body...will change the entire trajectory of your life.   

Join Deliciously Wet

an immersive FREE workshop designed to help you embrace your sensuality, reclaim your pleasure, and cultivate a profound connection with your body. This is more than just a workshop; it’s a journey to break through disconnection, experience sexual empowerment, and say YES to a life rich with wetness.

Sign me up

What people are saying...

Deliciously Wet is for you if you want to heal and dissolve the barriers of conditioning, distortions, pain and armour that have formed by living in a world where you haven't been shown that your sexuality, body, heart and spirit are to be elevated and celebrated.


This free workshop is beneficial for EVERY woman.

  • Your nan
  • You mum
  • Your sister
  • Your daughter (when she’s grown)

 (INVITE all the women you know… seriously!)

This is the beginning of an education that every woman needs. AND it is MUCH better to learn this now than when your body is actually screaming at you.


This is REAL womens work.

If you are already experiencing disharmony, such as:

  •   Endometriosis
  •   PCOS
  •   Not menstruating
  •   Fertility issues
  •   Irregular cycles
  •   Wanting to get pregnant but having fertility issues
  •   Vulvodynia/Vaginismus
  •   Heavy or painful periods
  •   Ongoing thrush, Bacterial Vaginosis, cystitis

 Or you’re:

  •   Sexually turned off
  •   Avoiding sex
  •   Craving connection and depth with your partner but can’t get there
  •   Finding it hard to connect to your body and sexuality
  •   Experiencing sexual pain and discomfort
  •   Feeling numbness during sex
  •   Not accessing your full spectrum of pleasure
  • Unable to experience orgasm

Then my love, PLEASE join as a first step to unraveling this and befriending your beloved, beautiful body.

Join the pleasure revolution

Who is this NOT for?

If you have already gone deep into understanding your sexuality, liberated yourself from shame, pain, and the squashing of women’s sexuality by society, deeply studied the anatomy and physiology of your pelvic bowl, have a connected relationship with your body, and know how to support your sexual vitality through touch, massage, movement, emotional release, and energetic rebalancing, then you may not need this workshop. You got this!

What's included?

A (free) 2-hour workshop with me that includes:


  • Educational teachings to help you understand why there is a silent epidemic impacting women everywhere. An epidemic of sexual disconnection, lack of desire, chronic women’s health conditions, nervous system responses, and body-based patterns of survival. Heavy, painful periods, non-existent periods, PCOS, hormone imbalances, fertility issues, the list goes on.
  • A clear way OUT of this epidemic by mixing science and spirit to unravel our pain and access a world where being a woman in pleasure and turn-on (rather than disconnect and pain) is your baseline state of being.
  • A potent somatic embodiment practice where you’ll feel the wellspring of your sexual energy pulsing through your beautiful body.
  • A safe space to get your questions answered by me, even (especially) the ones you feel shame or stickiness around.

Just imagine...

Opening your phone or laptop...

 jumping onto a Facebook LIVE with me and many 100s of women. You might be slightly nervous, but after a few minutes, you’re excitedly tapping into the chat box, Yessss! OMG yehhhh. I’m so glad I came here.

Feeling tears of belonging, remembering, and relief...

streaming down your face as you realise you’re not alone in feeling sexually switched off, and there’s a simple way to access pleasure and turn on bigger than you could ever imagine… for life!!

Learning the education that all girls should have received at school...

the kind of thing that would resolve the wild epidemic of women’s health issues like lack of libido, chronic dryness, painful intercourse, and hormonal imbalances.

Feeling so uplifted by this experience...

and being with all the other women who are literally in the same boat, getting to ask the questions about your body, pussy, and sexuality that you didn’t even know you had or have been too afraid to ask.

Being guided to really FEEL your body and the sexual aliveness...

 that is ALWAYS there, breathing it through your body and feeling FUCKING ALIVE.

I am saying YES!

Take the Next Step ↓↓↓

The details: 

  • Date: Sunday 11th August
  • Time: 11am CEST / 10am BST (for 2 hours)

Register below to receive the replay. Free until August 16th, £99 thereafter.

  • Location: anywhere in the world, we’re streaming from a Facebook LIVE (private community group)
  • Investment: FREE
I am here for this!

How to Register:

Ready to get Deliciously Wet (for life)? Enter your details below.

NOTE: The replay for Deliciously Wet will be available for FREE 3 days after the live experience. After that, it will be priced at £99.

Since this workshop is FREE, we are inviting you to make a donation (if this is available to you/if you feel called to support), which 100% will be sent to PCRF. Note there is no obligation to do this. However, in the spirit of energetic reciprocity, we are including it as an option. 

Join the experience
Grace Hazel

Hi, I’m Grace.

Most know me as a revolutionary women’s pleasure activist, a catalyst for sexual liberation & founder of the HEARTH Practitioner Training. I’ve also been a dedicated researcher of the art of Erotic Living and women’s sexual wellness for more than a decade.

I am not your average women's sexuality coach. I am a fierce advocate for the liberation of the feminine, in all her untamed, unfiltered, uncompromising glory. My own journey of sexual awakening began with a descent into the shadows. As a survivor of abuse and a woman who lived for years with chronic pain and illness, I spent far too long disconnected from my body, my pleasure, and my power. It wasn't until I learned to confront my own trauma and rage, to give voice to my deepest desires and needs, that I began to heal and reclaim my wholeness.

Now, I am on a mission to guide other women back to the truth of their own erotic sovereignty. Through my signature modality, the HEARTH Method, I facilitate a blend of science, somatics, and the sacred to help women release centuries of sexual shame, oppression, and wounding.

I believe that our sexual energy is our most powerful, untapped resource – The Erotic is a source of infinite creative potential, healing, and transformation. And I am here to support you in harnessing that energy to fuel your life, your work, and your greatest desires. I know that it’s daunting. I know if you feel you have untapped erotic energy it can feel scary to give yourself the permission to take that step, to prioritise YOUR pleasure. YOUR joy. To heal your body. But this work isn’t even just about you.

It’s about every single woman that will come before or after you, who will see you in your power and know that it is safe to prioritise herself, too. We tend to think of eroticism as a sexual state shared by two or more people, but really, it starts with the individual. And it requires practice.

I'm ready
Grace Hazel

Ready to get Deliciously Wet (for life)?

Join now for FREE.
We encourage you to invite ALL your friends by sharing this workshop with them. 

Got questions or need more information? Reach out to us at [email protected].